Work, PURPOSE & Joy

Mission & Vision

MMCS is a vibrant learning community, where diverse students build strong academic foundations, executive function skills, and trust in their abilities, in preparation for lives of joy and purpose in the 21st century.

The Montessori method educates the whole child through hands-on learning, collaborative work, and self-directed activity. Our 100% individualized curriculum supports the educational needs of each child and promotes critical thinking, executive function, and social-emotional skills students need to be successful in college and the ever-changing global economy.

Teacher and boy sitting together to examine an assignment on a tablet screen
Young artist in a smock proudly painting a multicolored heart at an easel


In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, MMCS does not discriminate (including employment therein and admission thereto) on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, disability, source of income, status as a victim of an interfamily offense, or place of residence or business. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination, which is prohibited by the Act. In addition, harassment based on any of the above-protected categories is prohibited. Discrimination in violation of the aforementioned laws will not be tolerated. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action. Title IX coordinator: Alvita Thomas Contact Phone: 910-636-1325 Contact Email:

What is Montessori? 

Beautiful, ordered, and inviting, the Montessori classroom is prepared intentionally to ignite the intrinsic joy of learning that Dr. Maria Montessori, the method’s founder, believed motivated each child. From child-sized chairs to brightly colored materials arranged precisely on low shelves, each element of the classroom is designed to build a child’s sense of independence. Working within the calm, peaceful environment, students practice concentration, self-discipline, respect for others and themselves and joy in learning.

Students grow and learn together in mixed age classrooms: Primary (3 to 6 year olds); Lower Elementary (6 to 9 year olds) and Upper Elementary (9 to 12 year olds). In Montessori classrooms students move freely around the classroom to work on self-firsted projects during an uninterrupted 3-hours work block: some receive small-group instruction from the teacher, others work together to conduct scientific investigations, while others practice independently on the floor with hands-on learning materials.

Highly-trained Montessori guides develop personalized learning plans for each child, allowing students to work though the sequenced curriculum at an appropriate pace, reflective of the child’s own development.


Montessori: A different approach to education

Curriculum Materials

Montessori: Hands-on learning materials

Traditional: Textbooks, workbooks, tablets

Lesson Delivery

Girl working on multiplication at a desk

Montessori: Individual and small group lessons based on student readiness

Traditional: Whole class instruction

Student Groupings

Adult female working through a project with students on the floor

Montessori: Mixed-age classrooms, students with same teacher for three years

Traditional: Children grouped by age, with teacher for one year.

Daily Schedule

Young girl counting on her fingers to solve a math problem

Montessori: Long, uninterrupted work periods

Traditional: Day broken up into subject blocks.


Evidence-based outcomes

Developed over a century ago, the Montessori method is based on empirical observations of child development and extensive pedagogical experimentation. Recent studies show it is more effective at closing the opportunity gap than traditional, teacher-centered instruction.

Study 1: Evaluation of Montessori Education in South Carolina’s Public Schools

Study 2: Montessori Preschool Elevates and Equalizes Child Outcomes

Study 3: The Early Years: Evaluating Montessori Education

Study 4: High School Outcomes for Students in a Public Montessori

School Performance Results

There was no school performance letter grade for school year 2018/19.

There was no school performance letter grade for school year 2019/20.

2020/21 Read to Achieve Results

We are thrilled to report that our third grade reading EOG school-wide score is a level 4, which means as a whole our students scored above grade level and above the state-wide, pre-pandemic normalized average. This score is a result of our focus on reading and literacy as a school community-- from the rich content provided in the Montessori curriculum to many opportunities for authentic reading experiences. 

We are also pleased to announce that 100% of our 3rd grade students passed the North Carolina Read to Achieve program that requires children to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade.  Due to the small size of the 3rd grade student body, we cannot publish information on students who passed Read to Achieve through alternative pathways as listed below.  Those numbers and percentages are masked with a *.  

There was no school performance letter grade for school year 2020/21.

PDF of Results

2021/22 Read to Achieve Results

We are also pleased to announce that over 95% of our 3rd grade students passed the North Carolina Read to Achieve program that requires children to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade.  Due to the small size of the 3rd grade student body, we cannot publish information on students who passed Read to Achieve through alternative pathways as listed below.  Those numbers and percentages are masked with a *.  

PDF of Results

2021/22 End of Grade Results

Moore Montessori reading and science test scores met and/or exceeded both Moore County and North Carolina results. Additionally, ‘College and Career Ready’ reading scores exceeded the state-wide average by over 12%.

For school year 21/22 our school performance grade is a D (54), more information is listed here: PDF of School Performance Grade Results.

2022/23 Read to Achieve Results & School Performance Grade

We are also pleased to announce that 100% of our 3rd grade students passed the North Carolina Read to Achieve program that requires children to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade.  Due to the small size of the 3rd grade student body, we cannot publish information on students who passed Read to Achieve through alternative pathways as listed below.  Those numbers and percentages are masked with a *.  Again this year, Moore Montessori math and reading test scores exceeded both Moore County and North Carolina results.

For school year 22/23 our school performance grade is a C (64), more details are here.

PDF of Results

2023/24 Read to Achieve Results & School Performance Grade

We are also pleased to announce that for the 5th year, 100% of our 3rd grade students passed the North Carolina Read to Achieve program that requires children to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade.  Due to the small size of the 3rd grade student body, we cannot publish information on students who passed Read to Achieve through alternative pathways as listed below.  Those numbers and percentages are masked with a *.  PDF of Results

For school year 23/24 our school performance grade is a C (64), more details are here.