Current Family Information

 The following are links to resources for families with children currently enrolled at MMCS.

Family Handbook: A comprehensive guide to policies and procedures at MMCS. Be sure to review attendance, arrival and dismissal procedures.

NEW Student Code of Conduct: Expectations of conduct for all members of our student body

Calendar SY 24/25: The calendar notes days that school is in session, out of session and parent conferences.

NEW Calendar SY 25/26: The calendar notes days that school is in session, out of session and parent conferences.

McKinney-Vento Resources: Eligibility and rights for families with students experiencing homelessness.

FERPA and Confidentiality, Internet Safety Use: MMCS Policy to protect and monitor student information.

Testing Calendar SY 24/25: Testing calendar for school year 24/25.

MMCS Parent’s Bill of Rights Compliance Policies: A comprehensive list of policies required by North Carolina Senate Bill 49.

School-Parent-Student Compact: Federal guidelines require that all schools receiving Title I funds develop a School – Parent Compact. A compact is an agreement among participants working together for a common goal.

Title IX Policy & Grievance Procedures

Title I Family Notification Letter Parents Right-To-Know and Annual Report Card Notification

Occupational Survey English / Occupational Survey Spanish: The occupational survey is an instrument used to identify potential

migratory children and youth to receive services under Title I, Part C of the ESEA in the state.

Parent & Family Engagement Policy

NEW Say Something Anonymous Reporting System

Impact Aid Survey & Impact Aid FAQ

*New* Family Resources:

MMCS Staff Who To Ask Guide: A helpful resource to determine who to contact at MMCS.

Lower Elementary Math Fact Touchstones: A framework for math fact fluency in lower elementary.

Fly Leaf Publishing Online Material Portal for Students: Free access to the Fly Leaf Reading Curriculum used in primary and lower elementary classrooms.

99 Math: An online program to practice math at home.

Bedtime Math: A series of books that make solving word problems a fun bedtime ritual.