MMCS Middle School Program
MMCS is pleased to announce that we will launch a middle school program in August 2023. We anticipate opening a class of 20-25 7th graders and adding an 8th grade program the following year for a total of 50 students in our middle school program.
More information about the program, coursework and what makes our program special is below.
At this time we have a short waitlist, and may have additional seats in early-August. Sign-up below to learn more about our new program, schedule a school tour or to place your rising 7th grader on the waitlist.
Middle School At A Glance
Two full-time, highly qualified middle school teachers that will teach the four core subjects (language arts, social studies, math and science) in a small-class environment.
An interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning with inquiry and seminar discussion models
Students will be empowered to practice agency over their own learning
Students will be prepared for the academic rigors of high school
Students will gain practical life skills, and digital literacy
MMCS Middle School Program in the NewS
What makes our middle school program unique?
MMCS Middle School is designed to be an ideal community for early adolescents: an academic and social bridge between Montessori elementary school and traditional high school.
At MMCS’s Middle School, your student will not be lost in a crowd, but will be individually known and intellectually challenged to become his or her best self. Our middle school program is designed to meet the specific needs of your adolescent child: intellectual and physical growth, social need for peer interaction, increasing independence, and self-expression and self-reflection.
Experienced teachers will guide students to take academic risks, explore and stretch themselves in the humanities, arts, sciences and athletics, and learn about themselves as leaders and young adults. Students will gain practical life skills, digital literacy, and agency over their own learning; they will be well-prepared for the academic rigors of high school and beyond.
In many ways, the Middle School will be a continuation of MMCS’s hallmarks, which include:
Montessori program aligned with NC Standard Course of Study;
engaged and well-trained teachers;
focus on students’ independence via academic skills and executive function;
elements of choice and opportunities to practice autonomy;
attention to social and emotional learning; and
ongoing communication and engagement with families.
In addition, MMCS’s Middle School will feature new opportunities and experiences designed especially for our 7th and 8th graders as a bridge to traditional high school learning. Students will:
take engaging courses in core subject areas
begin to earn grades for their work and experience tests and homework
develop and run small businesses as part of their microeconomy studies, gaining hands-on experience of economic activity in their community
have the option to participate and compete on sports teams;
have the option to participate in an afterschool Science Olympiad club and in state and local competitions
have the option to pursue independent study in areas of personal interest;
bi-annual travel to Washington, DC and to parts of North Carolina to extend classroom learning experiences
The North Carolina Language Arts and Social Studies standards will be taught in an interdisciplinary manner using a literature-based approach to learn about history, citizenship and the world from various viewpoints. Students will use critical thinking skills to examine historical events using a variety of historical texts and images as well as primary and secondary source documents to develop a multidimensional view of the world and of self as a global citizen.
Middle school students will read and write every day to develop effective communication skills. Students will complete a two-year writing portfolio project to showcase their creativity and writing growth in various modes and genres of writing. Writing and grammar concepts will be taught in mini-lessons, and those skills will be practiced during writing workshops where students will work through the writing process to develop published works ready to be shared with an authentic audience. Students will receive regular personalized feedback to improve their skills.
Additionally, research concepts will be introduced and practiced regularly. Students will learn to evaluate sources for credibility, cite sources for accountability, and use research to synthesize content area learning.
Students will have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of literary genres during their middle school years. Reading formats will include self-selected independent reading, whole class texts, and small group literature circles. Our goal is for all MMCS students to develop the identity of a reader and to enjoy reading for life-long pleasure.
The North Carolina Math standards will build on the visual, hands-on, concrete math foundation that was established during the elementary years in MMCS. Middle school math standards will help students move on to more abstract concepts and prepare them for high school. The smaller group setting will allow for personalized instruction and differentiation to meet students where they are. In 8th grade MMCS students will have the option to challenge themselves to take a freshman Math 1 course in conjunction with 8th grade math.
Science standards in 7th and 8th grade cover topics in physical, life and earth sciences. Students will learn to synthesize information through expert teaching, content-area reading, and scientific investigations. Dr. Maria Montessori’s principle of “what the hand does, the mind remembers” is especially evident in the scientific domain. The scientific process begins with inquiry and our young scientists will be challenged to think critically as they design experiments to answer their scientific questions. Students will engage critically in research, observation, experimentation, dissection and construction to come to a full and complex understanding of the content standards. MMCS graduates will be ready to tackle challenging high school science courses.
Dr. Maria Montessori envisioned adolescents participating in and managing small business endeavors to experience economic activity in their community – the “microeconomy”– as an important step towards economic independence and financial literacy. Within our community’s microeconomy, Middle School students will have the hands-on learning experience of operating a business, in which they will learn entrepreneurial skills, such as project management, design, production, exchange, conducting surveys, profit analysis, financial management, and running all aspects of a business with the guidance of adults.